Yellowstone Bible Camp Foundation

We have been blessed by God to enjoy and use one of the most beautiful areas of God’s creation to encourage and help transform families and individuals for the glory of God.  Since 1956 God has used Yellowstone Bible Camp to provide great spiritual fellowship, teaching, and encouragement for Christians across the United States and even the world.  With the Lord’s help we are committed to seeing these blessings continue until the Lord returns. 

To support the goals and the mission of YBC the Yellowstone Bible Camp Foundation was established to provide leadership and financial assistance so that the camp can continue to bless Christians today and for generations to come.  To help fulfill this ongoing vision your financial help is needed in addition to your continued participation as campers and servants.  The YBC Foundation is a 501 (c)(3), a recognized non-profit, and your generous tax deductible gifts will be invested to provide an ongoing financial stream to provide for capital improvements and scholarships.

For more information, please contact Dr. Scott Laird, President of YBC Foundation, at (406) 781-2189

Donate to YBC Foundation

Please mail donations to:

YBC Foundation
2565 Arnica Drive
Bozeman, MT 59715

Thank you!