What to Bring to Camp…

The atmosphere at all of the camps is casual all week. Please bring a Bible, a servant heart, and a desire to build up others. We look forward to sharing the camp with you, and we will try to make sure you are blessed during your stay.

We hope that, after your stay, you can join us in calling YBC one of the most beautiful places this side of heaven.

Bedding and Toiletries

Please plan to bring toiletries, towels, and bedding (including bedsheets, blankets or sleeping bags, and pillows). Most of the beds are twin or full. Many experienced campers find that it is easier to use multiple flat sheets, rather than fitted sheets, as flat sheets can be used on whatever size mattress you find in your cabin. You will probably want either warm blankets or sleeping bags, as nights can be cool even later in the middle of summer.

Medications (including supplements)

Family camps and youth camps have different arrangements for medication management.

Youth camps

Youth camps will have a staff medical person. ALL supplements and medications to be taken by your youth camper(s) must be checked in during registration. This is intended to insure that camp personnel know who is taking what medications, in case of a medical emergency, and to prevent accidental or unsupervised sharing of medications/supplements. If you are leaving medications or supplements with the camp medic to be taken by your youth camper(s), please bring a typed sheet listing all items with written instructions for how they are to be taken. An ideal arrangement would be for you to bring each day’s dosage separated into a pill organizer, labeled with your camper’s name and birthdate. Youth campers are not permitted to keep medications or supplements of any kind in their cabin.

If your youth camper needs any type of rescue medication (Epipen, inhaler, etc.), plan to bring that to camp and check it with the camp medic. The camp keeps basic first aid supplies and equipment, including an automatic defibrillator (AED), but does not keep any prescription rescue medications on hand.

Family Camps and Retreats

If you are bringing medications or supplements to a family camp or retreat, care should be taken prevent accidental access by children (yours or others) and that medications are stored so as not to attract animals, either big or small. The camp is visited frequently by both bears and mice, among other wildlife.

Please treat all supplements, whether prescription or not, with the same care as prescription medications.


Clothing on campus should be casual and comfortable but modest. If there is any question about whether some item of clothing is modest, please consider suffering a little discomfort by refraining from wearing it. Shorts are not allowed on campus, though you may want them if you travel into nearby Yellowstone National Park.

Days can be warm and nights are usually cool, so jackets and layered clothes are a good idea, particularly for those who may be used to warmer climates. Rain is always a possibility. Snow is not likely for most of the camp sessions, but is a possibility early and late in the season. Sunscreen and hats are good to have on hand.

Comfortable shoes are recommended. Campers will generally do quite a bit of walking from cabin to lodge to campfire to activities. If you don’t frequently hike in sandals, closed toed shoes may be a better choice for some of the rougher terrain that can be experienced on local hiking paths.


Any food you bring should be kept sealed in vehicles and generally should not be in cabins. Animals, both rodent-sized and bear-sized, can be and are attracted to foodstuffs.


Pets are not allowed. If you travel with a certified service animal, please make arrangements well in advance with the Camp Director and your camp manager.

Internet and Phone

A satellite internet provider is accessible, though excessive traffic from campers will tend to crash the service. Please consider taking a break from your online presence during your time at camp. The service will be reserved primarily for use by staff, speakers, and teachers, though your camp manager may be able to make arrangements for others who require access. There is a single land-line telephone service to the camp. Mobile phone connectivity is usually very unreliable. Cabins have limited electrical outlets.


Each camp session may have other needs/wants. If this is your first time as a camper, or if you have other questions about the camp you plan to attend, please contact your camp manager.

Activities during the week may be varied, as each camp has its own “flavor”. There is usually plenty of opportunity for socializing under the trees near the lodge or the river. If you have a favorite family-friendly table game, feel free to bring it. Replacement card sets and dominoes are usually appreciated. Mill Creek offers fly fishing opportunity with appropriate Montana-issued license. Other outdoor activities include hiking, walking the grounds, lawn games, kickball, pickleball, volleyball, horseshoes, etc.

What not to bring

Tobacco, vaping products, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs, firearms, and fireworks are not permitted on the campgrounds.