Praise to God and a heartfelt thank you to a very generous anonymous donor for a $10,000 matching grant!
What does this mean? It means that for every dollar raised during the 2022 Labor Day Weekend Auction, up to the first $10,000, the camp will receive a matching dollar!
Please plan to join in the fun on Saturday, September 3, at 2pm. Bring your generous heart, your checkbook or cash, and don’t forget to invite others!
Also, whether you’ll be attending the auction or not, please donate items for the auction. You can either bring the items to the camp on the weekend of the auction or you can contact Bill Goben (camp director) as soon as possible to make arrangement for your items to be at the auction. Some of the many items that have auctioned in the past include getaway packages, camp registration fees for a coming season, handcrafts, paintings, woodworking, homemade food (jams and jellies are a favorite!), exotic memorabilia, fishing gear, and the like. Please plan to contribute to the fun… and to bless the camp with funds that will be needed for coming projects (like the bridge renovation).